About Me
As a 61-year-old American woman, I am happily married with three grown children, seven grandchildren, and a new goldendoodle puppy. I live in a small town in southern NH, on 6 acres of property. I have lived in this town most all my life.
     I have been writing since I was 13, when I would write short stories for extra credit. I left my English class with an A+ that year. During this process, I felt a desire awaken within me. A desire that motivated me and improved my self-esteem as a young teen. I eventually received an old typewriter that belonged to my grandmother and used it to write; and write I did! I entered the new hobby with a vengeance.  It opened up a whole new world for me. One I was very proud of.
By the time I reached young adulthood, I was writing full-length novels and started the publishing journey. I received rejections like any other writer, but mine weren't for my poor writing, but as one agent put it, I needed more "...sex drugs and rock and roll." It wasn't explicit enough for their taste. 
     I took their advice and worked to improve my works.  This time I stepped onto a fresh path and became an independent author, as many others had done. It took years to find the right program and the right style for me. Supernatural: psychic detectives and mysteries in futuristic time frames.  My first independent release was The Guardian WIT series: Generation L. It was well received by many, however it did not reach best selling status, because most people bought it directly off me. 
I am also working on better marketing to improve my publishing reach, sales, and increased connection to my readers.
    I am currently updating the Guardian books and re-releasing new editions. The covers and text have had facelifts.  Books one and two are now completed and are up for sale. Book three make over will be up shortly. Book four is in the draft phase, but it, too will be up for sale shortly.
     I've recently started a second series, a detective series, "Gem Hammond detective series." A Futuristic police detective series. Born in a time of chaos and turmoil, post socialist-communist movement that changed America completely. Gone is the union, in its place a much darker and helpless society except for a few elites.